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Scire Project

The Dynamic Theodicy Model: understanding God, Evil and Evolution

The Theodicy Challenge (…) by Michał Oleksowicz

The Theodicy Challenge (…) by Michał Oleksowicz 1920 1280 SCIRE

The Theodicy Challenge and the Intelligibility of the World by Michał Oleksowicz and Michał Kłosowski This paper revisits…

Religion and science. Enemies or cooperators – workshops

Religion and science. Enemies or cooperators – workshops 1304 978 SCIRE

Yesterday our representatives led workshops entitled “Religion and science. Enemies or cooperators”.  These workshops are dedicated to primary…

Workshops for students

Workshops for students 2048 1536 SCIRE

In the Academic Chaplaincy Hall in Gdańsk were held workshops on 4 models of the relationship between science…

Project description

The “dynamic theodicy model” recognizes the fact that theodicy needs to engage with the scientific discoveries, especially from the fields of biology and physics. The aim of our research is to provide a fundamental structure of the DT model. By bridging natural sciences, philosophy and theology we will develop a contemporary perspective on the issue of values (good and evil) in the natural world, that can inform theodicy.

Executive summary

The aim of the project is to develop the “dynamic theodicy model” (DT model) that will address one of the most challenging questions: if God is infinitely good, how can there be so much pain and suffering in the evolutionary path of the human beings?

How did it come that evolution developed cognitive mechanisms that produce behaviour that is evil or morally bad, causing pain and suffering to so many?

The primary activities are developed in perspective of two questions: how can we understand pain and suffering in evolutionary terms and how can we develop a theodicy that would reflectively incorporate scientific insights?

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