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Scientia et fides #3

Scientia et fides #3 1080 1080 ECLAS

This academic year, as the Pro Futuro Theologiae Foundation, we are returning with a monthly series of seminars open to ALL, to be held at the Faculty of Theology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University (UMK) in Toruń.

The next upcoming scientific seminar in the Scientia et fides series will begin with a lecture led by Fr. Dr. Michal Chaberk OP, and entitled: ‘The Theory of Intelligent Design. An introduction to the topic’. The second item will be a discussion of the issues presented in the talk.

Bringing a little closer to this month’s proposed topic, it is worth mentioning that Intelligent Design is a theory which claims that certain biological structures were designed, rather than coming into being, by a game of chance and necessity. The formulation of this theory proved to be groundbreaking for the scientific discussion about the origins of the world conducted within the Christian worldview.

The theory, whose formulation dates to the second half of the 20th century, helped to reframe the debate by contrasting Darwinism with another scientific theory.

This put creationism and evolutionism on the same epistemic level, eliminating the confusion between the planes of science and religion.

The scientific debate was enriched with a philosophical and theological perspective, and this enabled a more fruitful discussion of evolution.

See you soon!

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