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Conference 2023 – Piotr Roszak, Tomasz Huzarek

Conference 2023 – Piotr Roszak, Tomasz Huzarek 150 150 ECLAS

Piotr Roszak / Tomasz Huzarek (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń): God, nature and evolutionary evil. Revisiting the Thomistic dual causality approach. Interdisciplinary International Conference: “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspectives”,…

Conference 2023 – Anne Kull

Conference 2023 – Anne Kull 150 150 ECLAS

Anne Kull (University of Tartu, Estonia): Sexual violence: a complex web of failures for God or nature? Interdisciplinary International Conference: “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspectives”, Torun, 14-15 April…

Conference 2023 – Saša Horvat

Conference 2023 – Saša Horvat 150 150 ECLAS

Saša Horvat (University of Rijeka, Croatia): Pain, life and God – facing perplexity and paradox. Interdisciplinary International Conference: “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspectives”, Torun, 14-15 April 2023  

Conference 2023 – prof. Michal Valco

Conference 2023 – prof. Michal Valco 150 150 ECLAS

Michal Valco (Comenius University, Slovakia): The pain-riddled world as a workshop of the soul: St. Irenaeus and Martin Luther on the purpose of suffering in God’s good creation. Interdisciplinary International Conference: “Pain…

Conference 2023 – Lluis Oviedo

Conference 2023 – Lluis Oviedo 150 150 ECLAS

Lluis Oviedo (Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome, Italy): Evolutionary explanations of pain and suffering: a ‘gift to theology’ or a challenge? Interdisciplinary International Conference: “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspectives”,…

National Competition God, Evil and Evolution

National Competition God, Evil and Evolution 2048 1356 ECLAS

The competition was organized as part of the project The Dynamic Theodicy Model: understanding God, Evil and Evolution financed by the Templeton Foundation and implemented at the Faculty of Theology of the…

International Conference on Pain and Suffering

International Conference on Pain and Suffering 2048 1356 ECLAS

At the Faculty of Theology, Nicolaus Copernicus University we have ended the Conference Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspective. We are pleased to welcome and appreciate the contribution of…

Workshops in Tczew

Workshops in Tczew 1939 952 ECLAS

On the 13th of March, 2023, prof. G. Karwasz conducted a workshop entitled In principio at the Tczew High School.  of St. Jadwiga of Poland in Tczew (Poland). The workshops referred…

Conference Programme

Conference Programme 1414 2000 ECLAS

Interdisciplinary International Conference:  “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspectives”, Torun, 14-15 April 2023 Friday, April 14 9:00 Opening address 9:15 Mats Wahlberg (Umeå University, Sweden): Natural Selection, Scarcity, and…

The fourth keynote speaker: Michal Valčo

The fourth keynote speaker: Michal Valčo 295 295 ECLAS

The last keynote speaker at the International Conference “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspective” will be rev. prof. Michal Valčo from Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). Michal Valčo is a full…

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