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The third conference’s keynote speaker

The third conference’s keynote speaker 185 246 ECLAS

The third keynote speaker at the International Conference “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspective” will be prof. Marts Wahlberg. Mats Wahlberg is an associate professor of systematic theology at Umeå…

The second conference’s keynote speaker

The second conference’s keynote speaker 303 303 ECLAS

The second keynote speaker at the International Conference “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspective” will be prof. Anne Kull from the University of Tartu (Estonia). Anne Kull studied theology at…

The first conference’s keynote speaker

The first conference’s keynote speaker 300 300 ECLAS

The first keynote speaker at the International Conference “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspective” will be rev. prof. Lluis Oviedo from Pontifical University Antionianum in Rome. Lluis Oviedo is a full Professor…

Conference in Toruń – keynote speakers

Conference in Toruń – keynote speakers 1414 2000 ECLAS

As organizers, we kindly invite you to International Conference “Pain and Suffering: Evolutionary and Theological Perspective”. We feel privileged and honored to present keynote speakers of the conference: Anne Kull (University…

Pain, Life, and God (…) by Saša Horvat

Pain, Life, and God (…) by Saša Horvat 1920 1280 ECLAS

Pain, Life, and God: Theodicy Informed by Biology and Evolutionary Medicine. By Saša Horvat Pain is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Since the beginnings of philosophical thought, the question of the nature and…

Workshops in the Year of Copernicus

Workshops in the Year of Copernicus 2560 1920 ECLAS

“The Copernican Revolution: Astronomy, Physics, Philosophy” – this was the title of the workshops for primary and secondary school students on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the birth…

Call for papers: Conference in Torun, Poland

Call for papers: Conference in Torun, Poland 960 720 ECLAS

The aim of the conference is to develop a “Dynamic Theodicy Model” (DT model) that addresses one of the most difficult questions: If God is infinitely good, how can there be…

The Knowledge and Emotions of Adam in Paradise (…) By Piotr Roszak

The Knowledge and Emotions of Adam in Paradise (…) By Piotr Roszak 1920 1280 ECLAS

The Knowledge and Emotions of Adam in Paradise: Imagining the Original Justice with Aquinas. By Piotr Roszak The description of Paradise in Aquinas’s theology is based on the concept of…

Who Is to Blame for the Sinking Ship? By Piotr Roszak

Who Is to Blame for the Sinking Ship? By Piotr Roszak 1920 1280 ECLAS

Who Is to Blame for the Sinking Ship? Aquinas on Divine Goodness, Evil and Freedom. by Piotr Roszak This paper presents the basic features of Aquinas’ theodicy, first indica- ting…

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