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Competition ECLAS Project

Competition ECLAS Project 1080 1080 ECLAS

The Faculty of Theology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) in Toruń, in cooperation with Durham University, within the ECLAS project (, announces an open call for projects in two calls for sub-projects:

  1. ’Scientific education in seminaries’ – we would like to invite for projects lasting up to 18 months, aimed at seminarians in seminaries of different Christian denominations and focused on proposals for courses in religion/science, the integration of contemporary science issues into lectures in theology and philosophy, open events to support the scientific formation of seminarians.
    More information:
  2. ‘Scientists in parishes and parish communities’ – activities promoting the engagement of scientists in the life of Christian communities, by organising lectures, science days in parishes, training and workshops, exhibitions on religion-science topics.
    More information:

Applications for both competitions should be sent according to the attached information by 20 February 2025 to email: .

The competition committee appointed by the Central Europe Hub ECLAS will make the award in March 2025, with the planned start of project activities in May 2025.

Application form – Scientific education in seminaries

Application form – Researchers in parishes and parish communities

Proposal Budget

Ustawienia zaawansowane

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